The Five Foot Traveler

Sarah Gallo

Playful Penguins on Boulders Beach

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Boulders Beach is one of the most unique, pristine beaches I have ever encountered. What makes it any different from say, De Hoop Nature Reserve? Well, there are PENGUINS! And it’s not like they’re hiding – they’re basking in the sun only a few feet away from you, they’re swimming alongside you in the water, and they’re waddling over to check you out. We were there on a weekday, leaving the beach virtually secluded; it felt like our own private getaway for the morning.

Travelers Tip: Hit the beach Monday-Friday because the beach gets crowded with locals on the weekends.

Most tourists head right for the Boulders Beach Observatory and miss the actual beach entirely. DO NOT SKIP IT! If anything, skip the Observatory, or at least leave it for last as it’s a total tourist trap. While you get to see hundreds of penguins on the beach, you also get to see hundreds of tourists. If you only have time for one aspect of Boulders, choose the beach.


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