The Five Foot Traveler

Sarah Gallo

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Tackling Table Mountain: the India Venster Route

If you’re a hiker and/or in pretty good shape, do yourself a favor and climb Table Mountain via the India Venster Route. It is not for anyone with a fear of heights, or for beginner hikers. I wouldn’t recommend completing it without a guide or a local (thanks Alison!). It’s a stunning hike and must be started as soon as the sun is in the sky because the sun is STRONG!

The India Venster Route is considered the most dangerous and exciting route up Table Mountain. There are three main scrambles and, let me tell you, being only five feet tall is a major disadvantage. Nevertheless, I maneuvered myself up and through the scrambles, and had a blast while doing so. Even though there are only three scrambles, there are many large gaps and high steps. Expect to be on your hands and knees at places. Expect to do some rock climbing and rock scaling without the help of rails. Expect fantastic, rewarding views.

Three hours later, we completed the India Venster Route! Conquering Table Mountain was a powerful feeling, as it looks treacherous from a distance. Once at the top, you’re rewarded with remarkable views and a complete 360 degree view of Cape Town.

Travelers Tip: Take the cable car back down Table Mountain. Not only is it iconic, but the downhill route is steep, dangerous, and tough on your knees.



Bloukrans: The World’s Highest Bungee Bridge!

The day had come: Bloukrans Bridge. The World’s Highest Bridge Bungee Jump! Run by Face Adrenalin, the Bloukrans Bungee will give you such a load of exactly that: Adrenaline. After harnessing up, I followed our guide onto the pass below the bridge and, let me tell you, that is the scariest part of the entire ordeal. The metal grate under your feet is completely see-through, urging you to look down. All the way down. Typically, the way to conquer any “heights” activity is not to look down, but Face Adrenalin makes that virtually impossible, challenging you to conquer your fears and tackle the bungee head on. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so worried. Not in the slightest. A minute or two later, we made it to the middle of the bridge where there were at least 10-15 men there to help us out, tighten our safety harnesses, and pump us up with very loud music. I was, literally, bouncing with excitement. The men sat me down, wrapped pads around my shins to protect my ankles, and attached my second (backup) harness to my chest. Another employee came over to triple check my harness, and I was ready!

Two staff members appeared at my sides. I was to throw my arms around both their shoulders and hop over to the very edge of the bridge (remember, you’re ankles are tied together). You hop. And you hop and you hop, until at last you are standing on the edge. Slowly, you inch your toes until they are actually over the edge. I couldn’t wait.

At the count of three, I jumped with the biggest grin my face. This was it: I was free-falling off the world’s highest bungee bridge. Instinctively, I tightened my whole body, so I felt zero “jerk” once the bungee went taught (I knew I practiced flying trapeze for a reason!). I hung there upside-down for a bit, soaking it all in. I completed the jump that I’d wanted to do for many years. I just couldn’t believe how easy it was for me to jump off a 216m (700+ ft) bridge. After a few moments, a staff member lowered himself down, attached me to another harness, and repositioned me upright. I was slowly pulled up, lifted onto the bridge, and ready to do it all over again!

Face Adrenalin’s bungee is an absolute MUST for any adventure-junkie. It is worth noting that Face Adrenalin has been running the bungee for 23 years without any incidents; you will feel as safe as you possibly could while throwing yourself off a bridge. I have never felt more secure doing an adrenaline-inducing activity than I did with Face Adrenalin – and, trust me, I have many adventure sports to compare it to. You would be hard-pressed to find anything so exhilarating. Go face your fears.

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Following our unimaginable Galapagos journey, we took a four hour car from the Quito airport to Baños. As soon as we arrived I fell in love. Baños is known as the “adventure capital of South America,” and for the adrenaline junkie that I am, I quickly realized that it was made for me. Our activities here were wild. We had one ridiculous twenty-four period that we may have been the only people in the history of mankind to have experienced. First thing in the morning, we “canyoned” down four waterfalls and slid down two others. The climb up to the waterfalls was brutal – slippery, muddy, and directly uphill for 30 minutes, while wearing two wetsuits (man, sometimes it sucks being small). It was completely worth it. Those of you that are aware of how ridiculous I can be should already know that I didn’t have an ounce of fear seeing the roaring waterfalls beneath me. The belay system was comfortable and I got the hang of it quickly. Literally, such a blast. The only thing I found difficult was the waterfall falling into my eyes, causing my contacts to blur. Oh well, 100% worth it. AND I must note, my mom and grandpa rock. They successfully repelled down all the waterfalls as well.

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Canyon Jumping in Interlaken…one of two places in the world where you could do this!

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Paragliding in Interlaken, Switzerland

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